Unscheduled Leave

513.364 Medical Documentation or Other Acceptable Evidence

When employees are required to submit medical documentation, such documentation should be furnished by the employee’s attending physician or other attending practitioner who is performing within the scope of his or her practice. The documentation should provide an explanation of the nature of the employee’s illness or injury sufficient to indicate to management that the employee was (or will be) unable to perform his or her normal duties for the period of absence. Normally, medical statements such as “under my care” or “received treatment” are not acceptable evidence of incapacitation to perform duties. Supervisors may accept substantiation other than medical documentation if they believe it supports approval of the sick
leave request.

513.365 Failure to Furnish Required Documentation


If acceptable substantiation of incapacitation is not furnished, the absence may be charged to annual leave, LWOP, or AWOL. Proper medical
documentation must indicate that the employee was incapacitated for work and unable to perform his or her normal duties for the period of
Again, please follow the requirements listed in the ELM and leave out statements such as "under my care" or "received treatment" and you will avoid problems getting paid for taking sick leave.


Call in Procedures, links, and phone numbers


If you are sick and need to request unscheduled leave you are expected to call 1-877-477-3273.  You will need your EIN, follow the prompts, and make sure to write down the confirmation number.


Adobe Acrobat document [30.2 KB]
Acceptable Doctors Excuse BLANK.xlsx
Microsoft Excel sheet [15.7 KB]